Benefits of working from home for both employees and employers

Benefits of working from home for both employees and employers

Work from home is a concept that started way back before the new coronavirus pandemic. However, most companies rejected this theory by stating that it might affect their business performance and employee’s skills. This concept was vastly used by the IT, finance and semi physical skills sector. But, according to small biz genius 2020, since 2005, the number of people work from home has increased by 140%. So, basically companies are eventually realising that work from home is effective and efficient in two ways. From aspects of work from home benefits for employees and employers.  

5 work from home benefits for employees

Focused and effective work environment: working from home have fewer distractions than working in an office, which is void of office noise, disturbances and unwanted tea breaks! 

Flexibility: allocating yourself a flexible schedule is an office stress reliever. 

No commuting stress: we all don’t live next to our offices and daily commuting can take a big part of our time. Work from home, save that time as well. 

Better work-life balance: technology gives us space to balance our work life and private life. Remote working does the same. We get to organise our time with our loved ones which also benefits for a good work life too. 

Freedom: while working from home, you have the freedom to excuse yourself for a quick break without anyone judging you. Or even, you won’t have to spend your time pleasing others, it’s rather better to put that time into your job! 

Apart from the above work from home benefits for employees, they have other health benefits such as reduced blood pressure, less heart problems, mental well-being and being more physically active. From plenty of benefits to work from home, let’s see what are work from home benefits for employers? 

7 work from home benefits for employers

Competitive advantage: knowing you are ahead of the telecommuting game, you get more rivalry each day, which is a high competitive advantage for your business. Letting your employees work remotely is beneficial to competitiveness as you have happy and satisfied employees out of them all! 

Increased productivity and quality: giving yearly bonuses aren’t enough to keep them going. But, allowing your employees to work from home will produce good quality work as well as increased productivity along with limited absences from work. 

Reduce turnover: Owl Labs shows that there are 25% lower employee turnover for companies who work remotely. 

Improves work morale: employees who work from home intent to show healthier work patterns both physically and mentally. Working remotely allows them to be free and flexible which causes effectiveness in their job! 

Cost effective and eco-friendly: when running an office space, additional costs such as utility and maintenance is a must. Work from home concepts are free from those costs and is a financial benefit. Also, they are eco-friendly which eliminates air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions by your workers daily commuting.

Open a talent pool: remote work able to access a wide pool of talented applicants. Office recruitment limits the application intake due to geography, but work from home opens a big pool of talents from anywhere. 

Accurate employee performance: unlike working in an office, with technology you can now collate your employee performance online, such as TRAKSTAR, AssessTEAMS and many more. 

With many work from home benefits for employers, a business can decide to adapt to fast growing telecommuting systems as a whole or for department wise to get the most out of it!

Work from home jobs are ideal to both employers and employees in a situation like this to receive work from home job advantages. Then again, considering the future business enigmas, work from home can be considered as a stabilised workforce for any industry, unless it requires physical attendance. Work from home benefits shows that this would not affect the work performance or the income of a business. But, it will assist for a betterment in the company and the employees. Moving along with the technological pathways is always an advantage for everyone! 

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Cover Photo : Photo by Mikayla Mallek on Unsplash